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What is Disruption?


Disruption is one's ability to think expansively way beyond the limited conditioning of our tribal beliefs. This expansive mindset is what allows us to create on a major scale which can dramatically alter the direction of every field and industry, radically changing the way we think, act, and live.

Pythagoras, Copernicus, da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein, Musk, and Jobs, just to name a few, all bent reality. So can you. 


Why is this important?


When better avenues of expansion become available, it opens us up to see what we are really capable of. It creates new opportunities for personal growth, promotes a more divergent mindset, and greatly increases one's connection to everything around them.

Who can disrupt?

Disruption is not predicated on social status, upbringing, or anything that provides financial advantage. It is not predicated on having a high IQ. It's available for everyone to access with the caveat of switching one’s thinking style from our default standard of logical, cognitive, critical, rational, or survival thinking, to a more natural, yet explosively divergent and unfettered style of thinking.


Schools may understand the value of divergent thinking, yet they don’t know how to teach it, nor how to promote its development.

What is the impact?

When disruption occurs, it opens up new opportunities. It changes our direction, allowing for the creation of new ideas, it promotes and encourages innovation (which can only happen once a disruption has occurred), it offers new avenues of progress, spawns diversified areas of education, and, additionally, its conception can also support and strengthen community expansion.

What can limit or stall this type of heightened thinking?

Belief systems which are typically imparted to us early in our upbringing through our tribal practices, parental guidance, schools, social groups, or political and religious affiliations, can inhibit one’s ability to fully access his disruptive mindset.

How is disruption different from innovation?

The simplest answer is that disruption is open-ended. It's expansive. Disruption is the result of unrestricted exploration, discovery, curiosity, and continued sense of wonderment, meaning it doesn’t purposefully look for logical conclusions.

Examples are; gasoline, electromagnetism, automobiles, electric lights, ac current, jet airplanes, television, personal computers, micro-processors, just to name a few.

Disruption, is a more messy, explorative, playful process of discovery, and therefore is more explosive in its possibilities. It does not know what it will yield.

Innovation, on the other hand, purposely seeks out a conclusion and resolution. It typically looks for results and requires a finished product, service, process, or concept, with the potential for monetary gain.

Innovation is usually sandboxed in order to work out the bugs, problems, and roadblocks. Disruption is wild, adventurous, uninhibited, daring.

In other words, when thinking isn't constrained to a narrow focus and specific outcome, creativity and discovery become ultimately more heightened, divergent, and wide-ranging. Our default learning style is to look for the one answer. This is how we are condition in school. Disruption doesn't look for one answer, it seeks many possibilities.

Historically, disruption often has a longer shelf-life than innovation, benefits more people, and, ironically, when it's successful, it can have 10 times the monetary impact. Example: Where other search engines were all using the same basic algorithms to innovate and stay competitive, Google sought out a new, more disruptive way to handle searches. When a disruption is successful, financial prosperity is simply a byproduct, not a goal.

Why is disruption so much more explosive?

At its core, disruption is based upon pure imagination that eventually becomes reality. Think Walt Disney. Things don’t exist until someone envisions it. Therefore, disruption has no limits of possibility. And because disruption is explorative during the discovery process, it remains divergent, open, and unlimited.

How easy is this to learn?

There is nothing new to learn, however, it is important to unlearn a few limiting habits that can stall your ability to disrupt. Disruption is a natural part of your intuitive mindset, and therefore, the method for learning disruption is to reintroduce you to a more playful, open state you already know, yet may not have accessed for a long time. Unfortunately society teaches this divergent thinking out of us, but, as you can see by the disruptive examples out there, it's not lost to you, it simply takes practice to reacquaint yourself to your intuitive mind.

Who is best at disruption?

Up until the age of eight years of age, children have a natural inclination towards disruption before it is taught out of them by their tribes, schools, and societal pressures. Before then, their creative intelligence stays at an unrestricted, heightened state.

The good news is that ANYONE can reconnect with their own unique, disruptive abilities and regain their optimal state of creative intelligence. Our default as adults is that we usually want to draw conclusions. The elegance of disruption, however, requires one to remain open, curious, and explorative; to see everything as new - as if for the very first time. There are many examples throughout history of people who have maintained their most disruptive abilities.

When we no longer pre-define the outcome of our exploration, our pathway becomes absolutely limitless.

Why would I want to or need to disrupt?

The beauty of disruption is that it naturally occurs deep from within one’s self before it occurs externally. In this way, you are not only cultivating a powerful, natural gift, you are simultaneously promoting self-confidence, highly unsuppressed thinking, and a deeper, lasting connection with everything around you.

When we learn to disrupt internally (meaning ridding ourselves of any preconceived notions, ideas, or limiting beliefs), we become fully open and adventurous, more daring and explorative in our actions and our thinking process.

What is the best method for practicing disruption?

It is best to first read the book Disruptors, and to begin listening to your intuitive mind, while beginning to challenge your rational mind. As you practice this more and more, you'll find that you begin to cultivate other aspects of intuition such as curiosity, creativity, and a new sense of wonderment. You'll find with this newer state of freedom that you'll begin to approach everything proactively rather than reactively.

How is this system taught?

This entire process is designed to reintroduce you to your most natural mental strengths and abilities. Once you are familiar with these attributes, with practice, your inclination to see, act, and live more expansively will become second nature.

We do this through a purposeful process of awareness, application, and assimilation. We strip away any limitations that can stall your upward movement, until you are now fully confident and capable with accessing your natural disruptive tendencies and mindset. Your thinking becomes highly clear, focused, and sharper. Your insights and processes are faster, and you are more connected with higher consciousness.

Unlearning bad habits can take a lifetime. Relearning the basic attributes of disruptive thinking is instant and a much faster method for reawakening one’s true self.

Disruption is the moment nothing turns into something.

Every time it happens, no matter in what field or industry, it creates something new and beautiful, like the first cells of life created from a primordial soup; it changes everything.

Its very nature is raw, organic, and uniquely odd. And once we embrace a new disruption, it changes us forever. Its existence promotes new ideas, new possibilities, and develops new thinking. Its creation fosters unlimited opportunity.

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