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Take the assessment to discover your best thinking strategy

Do you know what may be holding you back
from accessing your most optimal thinking?

The Copeland Thinker-Type assessment is an opportunity to understand your unique style of thinking.

Why is this important? Thinking is typically the ability to find information, identify, and evaluate solutions to a problem, make decisions, plan a strategy, and organize daily tasks and objectives. But it's so much more. Stronger thinking skills are essential to improving personal success (e.g. goals, life objectives, social relations, personal development, quality of life, and happiness), as well as in the workplace (i.e. knowing how to deal with a difficult customer, team strategies, managing your workload effectively, leadership, and progress).

This self-assessment will help you better understand your thinking skills, strengths, and areas you may want to improve. This information can be vital in helping you make more informed decisions in all areas of your life, while understanding what's needed in order to access a more disruptive mindset.

There are 8 Thinker Types and 16 sets of possible results that indicate your particular style of thinking. The objective is to provide you with a clearer understanding of how you approach ideas, problems, creative processing, how you get your results, and how that impacts others.

There are two primary areas of thought; rational thinking, and intuitive thinking. Typically we are taught to focus on a more rational style of thinking (logical, analytical, practical, critical), while forgoing the lesser-valued intuitive mindset, which is often considered a secondary, luxury style of thinking.

However, as you will learn in Disruptivism, the biggest changes in how we think, act, and live, come from disruptive thinking. This is where real and profound change occurs.

The Thinker-Type Assessment will allow you to instantly see where your strengths are and where and how you can improve your overall mental practices.


The 8 Thinker Types are:


16 Possible outcomes of these Thinker Types:

By understanding your thinking style, you have a better comprehension of how you work out problems and seek solutions, engage with others, connect and interact, and what your strategy is on executing new and existing projects. It deals with how your ego-based reasoning works, how defined your passion-inclination is in relation to goals and projects, how well you can lead, and how you lead.

The way you speak, your emotional intelligence (eq), and your ability to get things done are all results of your thinking style. Your ability to successfully communicate, engage and interact with others on projects, how you create deeper personal and professional relationships, and how quickly and how well you accomplish an objective can all be attributed to your thinking-style. By understanding your strengths, you can choose to expand your abilities, adapt new thinking styles, or hone in on your better qualities.

This can help you strengthen and understand these important areas of thinking:

  1. Critical thinking - The mental process of objectively analyzing a situation by gathering information from all possible sources, and then evaluating both the tangible and intangible aspects, as well as the implications of any course of action.

  2. Conceptual thinking - The ability to find connections or patterns between abstract ideas and then piece them together to form a complete picture.

  3. Innovative thinking - Generating new ideas or new ways of approaching things to create possibilities and opportunities.

  4. Implementation thinking - The capacity of organizing ideas and plans in a way that they will be effectively carried out.

Through understanding of how your natural strengths and abilities are rooted, you can quickly gain insights towards creating an even more enhanced style of thinking.


This greatly impacts your emotional intelligence, your life choices, and your ability to interact and engage with many of life’s challenges and opportunities.

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